Google Drive is an online file storage service that you have as a CSUDH student and is accessible through your ToroMail. You can also use it to create documents and store, share folders and files with other people. 🌟 We highly recommend using Google Drive as a place to organize and keep all of your class work. In addition to managing your coursework in Google Drive, in your final semester, LBS 400 is a course in which you will be finalizing your online portfolio. By storing all of your classwork in Google Drive, you will have easier access to your files as you build your portfolio with your work samples.

If you are unfamiliar with how to access Google Drive, screenshots have been included to help you access the drive.

<aside> 👉🏽 If you would like to view the screenshots in its original size, hover over the screenshot, to the right and click on original.


When you log into your ToroMail, at the top right corner you will see the 9 dotted icon to access the rest of the Google apps. (see green circle in the screenshot)

Click on the 9 dotted icon to access apps, including Drive(see green arrow in the screenshot)

Click on Drive (see green circle in the screenshot)

Once you are in Drive, on the left side, click on new to create a folder for the semester. (see green circle in the screenshot)

Title the folder according to semester or class.

If you are creating a semester folder, create a folder within the semester folder for each class. (see green circle and arrow in screenshot)

<aside> 🤝 Shared documents and folders


If your peer, advisor, instructor, etc are sharing a Google document with you, you can access the document in your shared with me folder in Drive.